Your Wardrobe Success Checklist – Home Page


To Help You Create The Wardrobe Of Your Dreams

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Are you fed up of wearing the same outfits day after day, week after week because you realise your style is not defined and the clothes in your wardrobe never get worn and you don’t even know where to start?

This simplified and easy check list takes all of the overwhelm & frustration out of knowing the exact steps you need to carry out to create the wardrobe of your dreams. 

This simple yet amazingly thorough wardrobe success checklist covers all areas including your personal style, to body shape, wardrobe, shopping and more. And gives you the key foundations you need to know to helping you create the wardrobe of your dreams, so that you can be more in control of your style and look & feel amazing.

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Hi I’m Josephine Eve, Your Personal Stylist!

And it’s my aim to help you look and feel amazing.

In Your Wardrobe Success Checklist, you’ll find a list of all the steps you need to complete to help you create the wardrobe of your dreams.

If you’re anything like me, I LOVE a checklist as it helps you break things down and step things out so that you can take small steps to a big outcome, which is exactly what I want for you – style results!

Now as you work through this if you ever feel stuck, or hell if you’re loving it so much you want more – I’ve got your back.

I’ve got tools and resources aplenty to put you in charge of your style and help raise your confidence in how you look.

I cant wait for you to dive into your checklist and nail your style!


  • 38 wardrobe & style foundations to building a successful wardrobe that works for you
  • 4 checks to helping you define your Personal Style to keep your style consistent
  • Your must knows for making the right wardrobe purchases
  • Our ‘9 Wardrobe Cull & Organising Musts’ to helping you clear out your wardrobe the easy way and being organised in your closet, (this is one of the areas we teach in our online e-course)
  • Plus 8 body shape styling fundamentals to make styling and shopping effortless


Natalie Sullivan | Mama Blogger

Before having children I used to love fashion and how fabulous dressing well, made me feel.
Once my babies were born I lost all of my confidence in choosing outfits.  I didn’t know how to shop for my new body shape, how to pull my looks together and I simply forgot how great an outfit could help me feel. My wardrobe was full of pieces that didn’t suit my new lifestyle and my new body.  Every time I went to my wardrobe to get dressed I felt deflated.

Then I came across Josephine Eve’s free downloadable ‘Your Wardrobe Success Checklist,’  I found the checklist to be simple to navigate, with straight forward questions that I could easily understand.
The checklist has helped me to identify the areas I needed to work on and to complete, to help me build the wardrobe I’ve always wanted.  It also has empowered me to cull my wardrobe with confidence, and create the shopping list I need. I no longer have that deflated feeling when I dress every morning, instead I start the day feeling excited to greet my wardrobe! 

Thank you to Josephine for creating a tool that has added so much value into my everyday life.